Vipps and we were in China




It is established


Shanghai and Hangzhou, China




Fintech study tour to Alibaba and Ant Financial

On behalf of Vipps, we organized a tailor-made study trip to China for managers within Norwegian fintech. The aim of the trip was to explore and learn about future digital payment technologies in one of the world's most technologically advanced environments.

The journey started in Shanghai, where Heidi Berg, a local expert, gave an introduction to the Chinese digital ecosystem. In the evening we took a stroll along Nanjing Road and The Bund, followed by an evening cruise on the Huangpu River.

The next day included sightseeing on Shanghai Old Street and Yuyuan Garden, a classic garden from the Ming Dynasty, before heading to the top of Shanghai Tower for a panoramic view of the city.

On the third day of the trip, we traveled by high-speed train to Hangzhou for an interactive workshop at Ant Financial's Space Z, and a visit to Alibaba's headquarters. These meetings provided in-depth insight into how large technology companies drive innovation.

The trip offered the participants a unique opportunity to not only get to know the technology that drives China forward, but also to make valuable contacts. Through close planning and local partnerships, we ensured that the trip went seamlessly, both in advance and during the trip.

Motel Agency delivered a successful and tailor-made study trip to China for Vipps, where Norwegian fintech leaders could explore the digital payment technologies of the future. Please get in touch if you would like to arrange your next company trip with us.

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